We are the Planet! experiments an innovative model of artistic-didactic activity, aiming at supporting the environmental education and the sustainable development
Leaded by the Province of Teramo, the project involves as Italian partners Solstizio that conceived and developed artistic activities and ProgettoMondo Mlal that coordinated didactic laboratories and relationships with Burkina Faso and Benin. Other partners are:the Diputaciňn de Avila (Spain), the Municipality of Nova Gorica (Slovenia) and the Municipality of Strovolos (Cyprus). Regional Development Agency of Nova Gorica (Slovenia), Actions et Développement and Keoogo operating in Benin and Burkina Faso participated to the project as associate partners.
The project has several roots:
General aim of We Are the Planet! is to strengthen the common awareness and to mobilize the new generations in regard of the 7th Millennium Development Goal of the United Nations: the sustainable economy, the right to safe water, the biodiversity protection and the fight against deforestation. WATP model is focused on the children and the youth as protagonists, and on the synergic integration of public art and educational activities. With regard to this objective, the project privileges the means of social communication based on art.
Designed by Giuseppe Stampone with the collaboration of Solstizio and Derrick de Kerckhove
We are the planet! will culminate in a final public event that will be carried out, at the same time, in the Didactic Centers of the four country partners and that foresees the creation of the cyber rooms, public areas connected with free access wireless where the children can connect to the virtual art labs designed by Solstizio:
The experimentation of didactic workshops on the themes of the 7th Millennium Goal and environmental sustainability in the territory of the Province of Teramo have begun. For two weeks the pupils of preschools, primary and secondary schools will be the protagonists of interventions aiming at an education to global citizenship, dealing with subjects such as water, biodiversity, sustainable energy, solidarity economy, and the phenomenon of extreme poverty and shantytowns. The workshops will be conducted by two young experts, Giulia Lonardi and Roberta Morosillo, of the NGO ProgettoMondo Mlal from Verona.